Monday, May 5, 2008

Amazing Song!

I write music every once in a while. I love it. This morning I wrote a song and arranged a song I wrote for piano to, flute, clarinet, violin, cello, and piano. It was cool. I especially am excited about the other song I wrote. It was for my Irish whistle. I was bored and just playing it, making up stuff. I played something and thought it was really cool. I wrote it down on my computer and it was cool. So I added more parts and I love it! I was so excited this morning. It is a pretty hard song. Probably one of the hardest that I've ever written. It has some really hard parts but it's cool. I am not very good at naming songs so I called it "Dances". I guess it's a good name. It is really fast. Like 200 beats per minute. So really fast. But cool.


Brooke said...

Hey cool blog you guys!

I write music too, it's so fun and exciting. They're not very good, but it's still fun.

veronica elise said...

Sounds like fun. I don't write music but I do play French Horn and Trumpet. It's really fun.